Florida State University
Public University
Tallahassee, Florida

Speech Code Rating
Adopted Regulations: Administrative Matters- FSU-2.0131 Posting, Chalking Advertising and Active Distribution of Materials on FSU Campuses
Materials posted or distributed may not: promote the use or sale of alcohol or illegal drugs; display trademarks and or brand names of alcohol or illegal drug products; contain material that is obscene or defamatory; be directed to incite or produce imminent…
Student Conduct Code: Harassment and Bullying Behavior
C. Harassment 1. Conduct, not of a sexual nature, including any gesture, written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication (includes text messages and postings on web-sites or social media), that places a person in reasonable fear of harm to their…
Adopted Regulations: Student Life- FSU-3.003 Freedom of Expression Rights and Responsibilities, Open Platform Areas
Certain outdoor areas of campus may be reserved by individuals or groups or otherwise may be restricted for official University use. Groups planning outdoor assemblies should provide advance notice per applicable event permitting processes to ensure space availability and the adequate provision…