Sofia Lopez

Sofia Lopez graduated with high honors in political science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2022. She also majored in cognitive science and completed a minor in French and Francophone studies. She is a part of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society, and she completed a senior thesis project on the constitutional construction of judicial independence and the impact of the Executive Office on the courts. Sofia has three years of research experience in the Psychology Department at the University of Michigan, studying moral development in children with a particular focus on how they develop trust in institutions and reciprocity. Raised in Venezuela, Sofia witnessed, firsthand, the consequences of protesting an authoritative government without the possibility of legal recourse. As a result, she became passionate about the First Amendment and decided to pursue an academic career in the United States. She returns to FIRE to work as program associate after interning during the summer of 2021.
In her spare time, Sofia enjoys playing volleyball, reading, listening to podcasts, and having interesting conversations.
Recent Writings
- FIRE’s 2023 Faculty Network Conference is coming to Alexandria — and now taking proposals!,
- New Texas bill could diminish or eliminate tenure protections, jeopardizing academic freedom. ,
- Congress reintroduces the Restoring Artistic Protection (RAP) Act, leading the federal efforts to decriminalize artistic expression ,
- Arkansas SB 365 means year-round due process rights for college students,
- A step in the right direction: West Virginia Governor signs ‘New Voices’ bill into law ,
- Washington state bill set to create statewide bias response teams with law enforcement powers fails in committee,
- ‘New Voices’ bill advances in West Virginia, Student Press Law Center calls for amendment,
- FIRE warns the office of the Missouri Secretary of State against childproofing literature and speech in Missouri libraries,
- FIRE warns Florida Department of Management Services against child-proofing speech,
- FIRE participates in Rep. Murphy’s Congressional Campus Free Speech Roundtable ,

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