Table of Contents
Teaching Resources
Research & Learn
For faculty who study or teach courses on free expression and the First Amendment, FIRE provides a wealth of source material that can make a positive addition to any course syllabus or serve as a valuable teaching and study aid.

FIRE's Syllabus Database
Teaching a course on free expression? Submit your syllabus to FIRE’s Syllabus database, which we hope will serve as a valuable reference tool and a means of networking for faculty.

Build Your Network

Join the Faculty Network
The FIRE Faculty Network is a coalition of college faculty supporters interested in promoting and defending free expression and academic freedom at their institutions.

Annual Conference
Faculty Network
Join FIRE at the University of Southern California from October 20-22 for our annual Faculty Network Conference.
FIRE Publications
Built on FIRE’s 20-plus years of defending free expression on college campuses nationwide, these publications offer a variety of perspectives and approaches on fundamental issues sure to enliven any classroom discussion.

First Thing’s First: A Modern Coursebook on Free Speech Fundamentals
First Thing’s First is a college coursebook like no other that provides students with the fundamentals of modern American free speech law in a clear, concise, and accessible manner.

FIRE’s Guide to Free Speech on Campus
A perfect primer on the First Amendment, FIRE’s Guide to Free Speech on Campus has been integral to our educational efforts since it was first published in 2005.

FIRE's Spotlight Database
The Spotlight database evaluates speech codes at more than 450 institutions of higher education around the United States.

Case Archives
20+ years of documentation, analysis, and commentary on FIRE cases with coverage of violations of student and faculty free expression rights at hundreds of colleges around the country.
Survey Data
FIRE's Advocacy
Learn more about how FIRE advocates for your rights.
Browse by Issue
- Due Process
- Free Speech
- Freedom of Assembly
- Freedom of Association
- Freedom of Conscience
- Religious Liberty
- Student Rights
Browse by Type
- Books
- Curricula
- Databases
- Campus Guides
- Issue Pages
- Reports
- Toolkits
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